Fairs and shows can be opportunities to receive greater exposure for your The Body Shop At Home™ business.
However, it is important to always put into perspective the overall cost versus the potential return. If you have decided it is worth the investment, the following policies will help guide you in setting up for your event.
The goal of The Body Shop At Home™ in establishing this policy is to promote the professional image of the company and all The Body Shop At Home™ Independent Consultants and to provide an atmosphere of mutual respect and ethical cooperation.
- The first Consultant to register for space with the event sponsor has that event. If other Consultants would like the opportunity to work that event, they may contact the registered Consultant to enquire about working the event together. If somehow the event is sold to two Consultants, the Consultant who correctly signed up for the event first can remain registered and the other Consultant must cancel.
- The registration for the event must be as a The Body Shop At Home™ Independent Consultant. When registration is done under another name, no one is sure if there is another The Body Shop At Home™ Consultant registered. Unnecessary confusion is created and The Body Shop At Home™ name is viewed in a negative manner.
- When registering for events, it is good business practice to cover the cancellation policy with the event sponsor and to review a list of the stalls already registered (to ensure no other Consultants are pre-registered).
- Contact information from under 18's should not under any circumstance be gathered at these events or be added to Facebook Groups, email lists or telephone lists for future lead contacting. Consultants should ensure they are aware of exactly whom they are accepting contact details from and that they have permission to contact the person in the future.
- The stall must be staffed at all times.
- The Body Shop At Home™ will not operate sale or return for any event whatsoever.