Most new Consultants are introduced to The Body Shop At Home™ by another Consultant. When a new Independent Consultant Agreement is processed at Consultant Support, the person named as 'Sponsor' on the agreement becomes the permanent introducer of the registered Consultant for the purpose of all company bonuses and recognition.
Under no circumstances should you try to recruit a person knowing that another Consultant has offered The Body Shop At Home™ opportunity, given information or is presently working with that individual.
Do not offer financial or other incentives to potential recruits to encourage them to sign up with you. The company offers the Business Enrichment Programme as an incentive to all new Consultants. Offering additional incentives undermines this programme and is therefore against company policy. Ultimately, it’s the decision of the potential recruit as to whom they sign up with. By being honest and professional, you’ll be sending the right message right from the start.
Please read our Compensation Plan Overview for more information.