To transfer funds to your personal bank account, complete the following steps:
- Log into your account through the Business Hub or by visiting Hyperwallet.
- Select Transfer Funds to set up a new transfer method
- Select Add New Transfer Method or to select from a previously set up bank account, click on the drop-down menu
- Select Bank Account, then select Continue
- Provide the following information to transfer funds to your personal bank account:
- Routing number
- Bank account number
- Account type, savings or checking
- Choose a nickname for future reference when transferring funds in the 'Remember As' section
6. Select Continue
Please note: Process time for transferring funds to your bank account will take 1–3 business days. You may also set up transfers to more than one bank account or automated transfers. Please note, user instructions can be found in the resources section of the PayPoint portal.
If you'd like to discover more about PayPoint, The Body Shop Learning (TBS Learning) includes a PayPoint task within the 'Getting Started' learning module.